Lead Time
Lead Time
Lead Time
Los Angeles
Lead Time
Price Optimization
It’s not always about price, but usually it is. We’ll uncover savings all across your supply chain.
Have up to a dozen factories bid hard for your business. Upon quotation, we negotiate the best possible price, so you get the best rates.
PackageWorks’ purchasing power extends to you. By working with us, take advantage of bulk material prices and get access to pricing not available if approaching by yourself.
PackageWorks typically locates your production within 300 miles of fulfillment centers, but in certain scenarios, the most cost-effective option could be out-of-state, or even international.
Sustainability through Production
Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing
The specific layout of your packaging onto a sheet of corrugated or plastic can greatly affect overall waste. PackageWorks reduces waste at every step, minimizing emissions.
Sustainability Focused Facilities
With over a thousand factories worldwide, PackageWorks helps pair you with factories that fit your sustainability goals such as solar powered, or ones offering FSC certified or recycled materials.
Streamlining Logistics
PackageWorks can help with production planning and forecasting to optimize truckload and container-load quantities, reducing freight and overall emissions in your supply chain.

Quality Engineering and Management
Quality tools and services help you ship defect-free products.

Get PackageWorks quality inspectors on-site coast to coast, as well as in China and Mexico. Inspectors generally come at no cost to PackageWorks clients on first runs.
PackageWorks sets up specific, tailored Quality Standards so that your Product Quality is proactive, not reactive. Standards include print and cut registration, Delta E color checks, material confirmations, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Does PackageWorks partner with ethical suppliers?
PackageWorks is committed to working only with factories that monitor the safety and integrity of products, and abide by international and local labor standards.
What are typical lead times?
Most corrugated products in the US take 1.5 to 3 weeks, depending on facility and complexity of the job. Plastic-based products overseas typically have a lead time of 1 to 4 weeks.
Does PackageWorks optimize freight and logistics?
PackageWorks operates a large network of carriers that optimize transit of your packaging to ensure that you get the best possible rates. Our network includes, but not limited to box trucks, express air freight, sea freight, less than truckload, and full truckload.
Does PackageWorks offer warehousing?
Most brands that work with PackageWorks order 2 to 4 months worth of packaging at a time. We warehouse our customers’ packaging if storage space is limited, and create JIT delivery plans.